Was zu tun ist

Essen in Florenz

Die italienische Küche lässt keine Wünsche offen und mit unseren Empfehlungen können Sie sich nach Herzenslust durch die florentinische Kulinarik probieren – von der Vorspeise bis zum Dessert.

Um den Appetit anzuregen …


für einen einfachen, aber leckeren
Das toskanische Brot, also
ohne Salz wird geröstet und mit Olivenöl und Salz abgeschmeckt.

Toskanische Crostini

die legendäre Vorspeise der toskanischen Küche. Eine leckere und nahrhafte Hühnerleberpastete, durch die Beigabe von Sardellen und Kapern einen ganz besonderen Geschmack erhält.

Bread-based first courses

A traditional dish popular during winter, with black cabbage as the main ingredient. The slowly boiled vegetables and leftover bread create a delicious steaming cream. The dish is usually accompanied by toasted bread and cannellini beans, to add even more flavour.


Stale Tuscan bread left to rest for a few hours in water: this is the basis for one of the most famous recipes in Florence! The original recipe uses a dressing based on thinly sliced onion and fresh cucumber, but the dish has evolved over time with the addition of tomatoes.

For a second course, Florence has some unique meat specialities
Bistecca alla Fiorentina

The height of Florentine gastronomy. This cut of meat is from the lumbar, which explains its T shape. Preparation instructions: must be cooked in its blood!


Like all the dishes from Florentine peasant tradition, even the Lampredotto has marked its claim to fame within Tuscan street food. Gently boiling the abomasum (a cow's fourth stomach), results in a tender meat with a unique taste that is usually served in a takeaway sandwich. You can taste it at the famous kiosks, the "lampredottai". Don't forget to ask for the accompanying green sauce!

Florentine-style tripe

In honour of Florence's culinary tradition, we present you the Florentine tripe. Slow cooked, aroma, and lots of sauce. As always, the simplest things are the best, with this ancient dish that can please everybody.

And finally... the desserts!

This is a dessert with a funny name! It comes from the first container it was created in, which was a helmet called the zuccotto. A sponge cake base soaked in alchermes liqueur with an ice cream filling with chocolate chips... how wonderful!

Schiacciata alla Fiorentina

The dessert of the Carnival: on the counters of bars and pastry shops you can find many versions of this typical dessert. It's a soft dough with a chantilly cream filling and a sprinkling of icing sugar.

Zuppa Inglese

The zuppa inglese has quite a story to tell.It's a creamy dessert that came about by pure chance: legend has it that a cook serving an English family in Florence improvised this dessert by soaking dry biscuits in rosolio liqueur. The ingredients of zuppa inglese include the pungent taste of Alchermes liqueur, the sweetness of the custard and cocoa creams, and the crunchiness of the dark chocolate chips.

Cantucci and Vin Santo
This last one is the Florentines' most loved dessert: Vin Santo, where biscuits are soaked during a special shortbread-making process, with the addition of almonds.

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